June, 2020 Worldwide Newsletter

Mass layoffs immediately increase suicide risks

That’s according to the US Department of Veteran Affairs who closely tracks trends in suicide. The unemployed have been receiving an extra $600 a week in benefits during the pandemic in the US, but that is scheduled to end on July 25th. By December, many will not have any unemployment benefits at all. What happens then?

Because I said I would is building a program to help the unemployed strengthen emotional resilience and develop leadership skills as they search for a new job. Lives and livelihoods are at stake. This program will include:

  • A Leadership workshop series on social and emotional learning
  • Accountability support groups that meet regularly
  • A capstone promise project focused on helping families who have lost a loved one to COVID-19

90% of our charitable funding has been lost due to event cancellations, but we are pressing on. An hour of great need lies ahead. Nonprofits exist for these moments, so we must find a way to survive. If you know of any organizations who could help fund this program, please email us at [email protected] .

2 Days Left

Support COVID-19 prevention & response!

Because I said I would needs your help to fight COVID-19. Support our charitable efforts and you could win a once-in-a-lifetime experience with Alex Sheen, 5-time TEDxTalk speaker and Founder of because I said I would. Only 18 people have entered to win so far, so you’ve got a shot!


426 healthcare workers

The world is a stressful place , but most of us don’t have to clock into a healthcare facility, in a COVID hotspot, during a global pandemic. Because I said I would has sent free lunches to 426 healthcare workers in NYC, Louisiana and Arizona, so they have one less thing to worry about during their breaks.

We targeted regions hit hardest by the disease. Yesterday Arizona reported another record day for COVID-19 hospitalizations at a point where 84% of ICU beds are already filled across the state. These healthcare professionals have hard days ahead of them and commitment is not an easy road to walk. Promises are not easy to keep. Healthcare workers, we know that a lunch doesn’t change that… but please know that we are rooting for you.

Thank you to all of our donors who paid for those 426 meals.


270 volunteers sew 13,500 face masks

Our mask sewing operation donated face masks to hospitals, nursing homes and other healthcare facilities. A single person, who wishes to remain anonymous, donated $9,000 to cover fabric costs. Without that gift, this operation would have never achieved this level of impact.

We also distributed about 137 face masks at protests and encouraged physical distancing. Black communities are disproportionately affected by COVID-19. COVID-19 doesn’t watch the news. It doesn’t understand racism or injustice. It just spreads.

Support the cause

What’s MORE impactful than a $10,000 donation?

A speaking engagement referral. How? Because Alex gives 100% of his speaking fees to the charity. Without this funding, most of our programs would not exist. Recommend Alex Sheen as a keynote speaker and you can make an incredible humanitarian impact! We are looking for 30 supporters who can help us with this project!

We’ve made it easy to share your recommendation!

  1. Pre-written LinkedIn posts
  2. Email template to introduce Alex to event decision makers
  3. Share letters of recommendation

More than 90% of our speaking engagements come from referrals. Thank you to everyone in the past who helped us get this far. We owe our existence to you .