Speaking Engagement Referrals

Did you know?

A successful speaking engagement referral is MORE impactful than a $20,000 donation.

Thank you for supporting our charity through speaking engagement referrals.

Alex gives 100% of his speaking fees to because I said I would. Without this funding, most of our programs would not exist. Believe it or not, a successful speaking engagement referral is MORE impactful than a $20,000 donation. You could be that difference! Here’s how to get started:

1. Recommend Alex on LinkedIn

Share one post a week for three weeks. Your LinkedIn contacts could be looking for a speaker right now! Here are some example posts that can help you get started! Connect with Alex on LinkedIn.

A Personal Post

If you’re looking for a keynote speaker, I strongly recommend Alex Sheen, Founder of because I said I would. I saw Alex speak at INSERT EVENT NAME HERE.


Alex is a five-time TEDxTalk presenter who has been featured on The TODAY Show, Steve Harvey, NPR and many other programs. Here’s a link to his speaker bio: www.becauseisaidiwould.org/alexsheen

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Accountability in Society Post

A lot of organizations struggle with accountability, but so does our whole society. For just a second, forget about cutting edge technologies… forget about miracle cures… what if everyone just did what they said they were going to do?  Sometimes the solution is within our reach, we just need to follow through. That’s why the inspirational message from the “because I said I would” movement is so impactful. Have you heard their Founder’s TEDxTalk? If you’re looking for a keynote speaker, I strongly recommend you consider Alex Sheen.  INSERT PERSONAL STATEMENTS ABOUT WHY YOU RECOMMEND ALEX. Check out his speaker bio page at www.becauseisaidwould.org/alexsheen

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Support for Charity Post

I would recommend Alex Sheen as a speaker either way, but when I learned that 100% of his speaking fee goes to charity I felt the need to post this. INSERT PERSONAL STATEMENTS ABOUT YOUR EXPERIENCE HEARING HIS MESSAGE. 

Alex’s speaking fees go to character development programs in schools and prisons. Because I said I would, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, teaches practical lessons on accountability, honesty, self-control and other topics that are critical to good citizenship. They put those lessons to the test by challenging these groups to make and keep promises to help people in need through volunteer projects. Right now, the organization is focused on COVID-19 prevention and response projects. Even if the funding didn’t go to this incredible work, I would still recommend Alex. Check out his speaker bio page: www.becauseisaidiwould.org/alexsheen

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  2. Enter the file name you want to use for the selected image, and choose where the file will be saved.
  3. Click the “Save” button.

2. Email 3 event decision makers

Reach out to folks you know that may lead events with large speaker budgets.

Here are some positions commonly in charge of selecting speakers:

  • Human resources executives in charge of company culture and employee training
  • Sales and marketing executives
  • Board members or staff at state or national professional associations
  • Chief-level executives
  • Executives who manage corporate partnerships, franchises or other official relationships.
  • Professional conference and event planners
  • Leaders at organizations where you have seen a keynote speaker
TXT Example

Email subject: Keynote speaker for NAME OF CONFERENCE 



I am writing because I have a keynote speaker that I think would be great for your upcoming conference. I saw Alex Sheen speak at INSERT NAME OF CONFERENCE and the audience loved him. Alex is the Founder of because I said I would, a nonprofit dedicated to the betterment of humanity through promises made and kept. The work of his charity (www.becauseisaidiwould.org) is incredible and has given him a very unique perspective on leadership and accountability. Also, 100% of his speaking fee goes to the charity, which might align with some of your organization’s corporate social responsibility goals. 

Here is Alex’s speaker bio page if you are interested in learning more: www.becauseisaidiwould.org/alexsheen

I know that recommendations can be helpful when trying to create a short list of keynote speakers, so I thought I would drop you this message in case you’re looking. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me. Have a great week! 


Alex Sheen Public Speaker

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  3. Click the “Save” button.

3. Send us a letter of recommendation.

Event decision makers value feedback
from people who are in their industry.

These are so helpful when talking to an organization that is considering selecting Alex as a speaker. The more letters of recommendation we have, the more able we are to provide one that speaks to their concerns. We suggest putting this letter on official letterhead if possible. Here are some examples of letters of recommendation:

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