Resiliency and Mental Health Skills for Students
Because I Said I Would High School Chapters are designed to cultivate social-emotional resilience in students, fostering a sense of personal responsibility and promoting good citizenship. Students learn practical skills—honesty, compassion, accountability, and self-control—that empower them to navigate mental health challenges, succeed in higher education, excel in the workforce, and lead a more compassionate and fulfilling life.
Our program uses a research-based, full-year curriculum focused on setting personal goals with peer-based accountability support, character development workshops, and service learning projects. Have more questions? Check out the sections below!
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Program Content
The because I said I would High School Chapter curriculum engages students through interactive video lessons, group activities, and meaningful discussions. Lessons are designed to increase self-awareness, enhance critical thinking skills, and encourage compassion. Service learning projects allow students to develop and practice community networking skills, analytical thinking, and teamwork, as well as experience the positive mental health benefits of volunteering.
Success Stories
Whether it’s on national news or it’s just a change a mother notices, the promises our students keep make a difference. Their promises are modeled behavior that helps build a culture of personal responsibility in each school. Their personal successes are inspiring, but they also come together to make group promises to help others in need.
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