July 2022 Worldwide Newsletter

92 Acres of Hope: Where Promises Begin

Emergency room visits for suicide attempts by 12 to 17-year-old girls has increased 51% in just 24 months (CDC). The mental health of our youth is in crisis. There is no more time for waiting.

Because I said I would is purchasing a 92-acre property and transforming it into a summer camp focused on building resiliency skills with 12 to 17 year-old students from all backgrounds. Camper scholarships will focus on students who have been affected by suicidal ideation, bereavement or child abuse. Outside of summer, Camp because I said I would will host up to 150 family retreats for those in bereavement after losing loved ones to cancer, domestic violence, substance abuse and other tragedies.

This is the most ambitious fundraising campaign in our history and it’s going to take a village to make it happen. If because I said I would has ever meant something to you, we humbly ask for your support. Help us reach our goals of $5.8M, 100 fundraising teams and 1,000 shares of our announcement video using the links below.


Alex Sheen, Founder of because I said I would.

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Want to get involved in this capital campaign? Email Dan Gravo, our VP of Fundraising & Development at [email protected]. If you want to tour the camp, let him know!