4 Easy Ideas to Amplify Your Facebook Fundraiser

Every time somebody donates, you keep a small promise.

Show the message matters by making and keeping promises. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Idea 1: Post an old funny/embarrassing photo

We all had some interesting fashion choices when we were kids. Your followers will get a kick out seeing an old photo every time someone donates!

Copy & Paste this text to your social media posts:

THANK YOU to DONORS NAME HERE for donating and helping me reach my goal of $1,000!!! I hope you like this gem of me during my glory days.

Every time you donate to my fundraiser, I promise to post an embarrassing old photo of me 🙂 Help fund COVID-19 prevention & response programs by donating here: LINK TO YOUR FUNDRAISER

Idea 2: Post a picture of your dog or cat

Let’s give the people what they really want. Post a different cute or funny picture of your pet every time someone donates!

Copy & Paste this text to your social media posts:

THANK YOU to DONORS NAME HERE for donating and helping me reach my goal of $1,000!!! I hope you like this picture of my fur baby!

Every time you donate to my fundraiser, I promise to post a different picture of PETS NAME HERE. Help fund COVID-19 prevention & response programs by donating here: LINK TO YOUR FUNDRAISER

Idea 3: Record a short video about the donor

Share a personal message with everyone who donates to your fundraiser. You might even reconnect with an old friend!

Copy & Paste this text to your social media posts:

THANK YOU to DONORS NAME HERE for donating and helping me reach my goal of $1,000!!! I hope you like this video message!

Every time you donate to my fundraiser, I promise to post a video about a memory/story I have with them 🙂 Help fund COVID-19 prevention & response programs by donating here: LINK TO YOUR FUNDRAISER

Idea 4: Match their donation

People are more likely to donate when they know their gift will be doubled! Set a limit (E.g. $100) and every time someone donates, you match their donation up to that set amount. Post a selfie of you with holding a handwritten THANK YOU featuring their name.

Copy & Paste this text to your social media posts:

THANK YOU to DONORS NAME HERE for donating and helping me reach my goal of $1,000!!! I have doubled your impact by matching 100% of your donation.

Every time you donate to my fundraiser, I promise match it 100% until I reach INSERT DOLLAR AMOUNT HERE. Help fund COVID-19 prevention & response programs by donating here: LINK TO YOUR FUNDRAISER