July 2015 Worldwide Newsletter

Cecil The Lion

July 2015                                                                 because I said I would.

Caring for the Endangered.
Dear supporter,  
Recently a story went viral through social media about an American dentist who paid $50,000 to hunt and kill a beloved lion (a threatened species in Africa). This story has sparked a dialogue around the world about endangered animals. We have something a little different to add to that discussion…
One of our supporters went on film recently to make a promise about an animal she loves dearly; it is called the Slow Loris. It sounds like and looks like something out of a Dr. Seuss book, but what she says in this video may give you a different perspective on social media’s role in the protection of species…


Best regards,


Alex Sheen, Founder 
because I said I would.

Featured Stories & Announcements

1.) Starting a New School Year!

Video: Teacher talks about her promise

We’re excited for the new school year! We are doing school assemblies around the country encouraging the next generation to honor their promises.
Do you know a teacher? We have stories, videos, TED Talks and printable promise cards that can be used in the classroom at no cost! We’re tired of teachers having to pay for classroom supplies out of their own pocket, so we make sure to offer our resources for free! Thank you to all who donate to make this possible! 
Forward this email to an educator you know! www.becauseisaidiwould.org

2.) Record your own promise story. 

A promise made. A promise broken. A promise kept. We all have a story. Record a video about your promise or a promise made to you and submit it to our website. These stories inspire, educate and encourage people around the world. We feature one new video each week (along with written stories) and we would love to see yours.