April 2021 Worldwide Newsletter

Have You Ever Heard of Precommitment?

Precommitment is a behavioral tactic that can help make keeping a promise a whole lot easier. Precommitment is when you take a relatively simple action in the present that physically limits your ability to break your promise in the future. It’s best described with examples:

  • If you’re addicted to gambling, some casinos will allow you to voluntarily add yourself to a list that will permanently ban you from the casino. This simple sign up is easier than resisting the urge to gamble in orders of magnitude.
  • If you struggle with overeating, when you visit a Mexican restaurant ask them not to bring the free chips and salsa. That simple request is a lot easier than trying to exercise the self-control needed to not eat the whole basket.
  • If you struggle with unhealthy social media habits, put your phone on the other side of the room before you head to bed. This simple placement discourages you from getting up and checking your phone when you are already comfortable laying down.

These examples may not apply to your promise, so we’ve put together some Precommitment Tips & Tricks that can apply to so many difficult commitments.See the 5 Tips & Tricks »


Change Your High School’s Culture

Be 1 of the 15 new because I said I would Chapters this Fall! We have the capacity to start 15 new high school chapters this fall and we are taking applications. Our high school chapter students participate in 9 monthly character development workshops and complete 3 service learning (volunteer) projects each school year. Students also get dedicated time each month to make a personal promise and talk about their progress in small groups. Learn more here and let’s schedule a time to talk!Learn more about High School Chapters »

Birthday Fundraisers

Fundraise on Your Birthday!

We make wishes on our birthdays.

It is a tradition that may have started in Ancient Greece and still continues today. What if that wish was a promise? We would love to have your promise to fundraise for because I said I would on your birthday each year. It is simple to do, and through Facebook, it only takes a few minutes to get started. We’ll even encourage you along the way! Can we count on you to tell us your birthday month? We promise not to give that information away (and again it is only your birthday month that is needed). Why are we asking for your birthday month? We want to send you a simple reminder via email just before your birthday month. Nothing more. The money raised from your Facebook birthday fundraiser can help fund our character development programs, volunteer projects, COVID-19 PSAs and our Unemployment Transition Program. Will you promise to fundraise on your birthday? Tell Us Your Birthday Month »

Promise Story

Taking a Part-time Job to Make Ends Meet

Mercedes specialized in international economic development and was working with foreign countries to invest in the United States while supporting her 18-year-old daughter. MercedesAs soon as the pandemic hit, Mercedes lost her job. She was one of the first 700,000 in March 2020 to become unemployed. The American economy has lost a net of approximately 8 million jobs since this time last year. Without any hope of finding another job in international trade, Mercedes began looking for help. While hunting for a new job, Mercedes began volunteering as a translator for the Governor’s office of Ohio. Through that experience, she was connected to the because I said I would Unemployment Transition Program. She signed up. She stuck with it. She completed the program. Mercedes mentions, “The course was very useful to gain focus and momentum.” She has found a part-time job and hopes it will turn into a full-time position. Mercedes provides the following advice to those still looking for work, “Do not give up, continue working on yourself and improving your skills.” She also notes, “Perseverance and focus are key in this job market.” Have you lost your job because of the pandemic? Consider joining our next Unemployment Transition Program beginning Monday, May 10th! Click Here to Learn More »