More than 3 million children witness acts of domestic violence every year in their homes. Children who live through and suffer from domestic violence in their homes can suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Additionally these young children are often ripped from their homes with nothing but the clothes on their back, leaving behind toys, pictures and all of their personal belongings. Positive socialization, and art therapy have been know to help children of domestic violence cope with their trauma.
Together a group of 12 volunteers hosted a craft party for children staying at the Battered Women’s Shelter of Summit and Medina County. Volunteers learned a lot while participating in a group training for working with children and residents staying at the shelter. After training,we invited the children to do two craft activities with us- making stuffed monsters out of gloves and creating picture frames with Polaroid photos! Some of the mothers joined us and helped their children. The sweetest moments were captured in polaroids and attached to their frames for them to keep! Afterwards we all enjoyed pizza with the children and moms, while admiring the wonderful frames and monsters their children made. We are so grateful for the opportunity to bring some fun and laughter to these families staying at the shelter. Due to strict confidentiality rules we were unable to take many photos but below are a few of volunteers who helped make a difference that day!