June 2015 Worldwide Newsletter

Taking the witness stand.

June 2015                                                    because I said I would.

“No matter how hard it may be…”
Dear supporter,  
On a rare occasion, someone will personally hand me a promise they have made. They ask me to hold on to it until the promise is kept. In all the promise cards I have ever held, I have never seen a promise quite like this. I told her that I would return the card to her should she honor her word. The court date was pushed back…but the promise was kept. The card was mailed back to the rightful owner.
The witness stand is a hard place to be for a rape victim. Your character is questioned. Implications are made. But at some moment…sitting in that chair, you remember that what has happened to you is over. It is now time to protect a stranger you will never meet. A person who will never feel your pain, because the person who would have hurt them is in prison now.
The girl who wrote this card has asked to remain nameless. That wish will be respected. I know she reads our Facebook page though. Maybe you can post a comment and show your support for her courage. Post your message to her here.
Sometimes doing the difficult thing…and doing the right thing… they are the same thing.
Best regards,


Alex Sheen, Founder
because I said I would.

Featured Stories & Announcements

1.) Drunk strangers.

This sign has people around the world talking...

Angela’s father was killed by a drunk driver two years ago. In honor of his memory, she went downtown and stood outside of some bars holding a sign.
What that sign said has caught the attention of people around the world. You will understand why when you see the full story.

2.) The Story of Alex Sheen.

Click to Watch Video

A filmmaker has created a new video about Alex Sheen, the Founder of because I said I would. The movement has sent over 3.15 million promise cards to over 153 countries around the world, but remember that it all started the day a son lost his father…

3.) Ann’s Promise
Ann was diagnosed with cancer...
Have you ever wondered who packs and sends all those promise cards? Well, Ann is one of those volunteers. And just like we all do, she has her own promise story.


Eight months ago, facing the uncertainties of cancer treatments, Ann made a promise to her niece. This picture was taken at the wedding reception and you have to see it 🙂

Apply to be our Fulfillment Specialist
Opening: Fulfillment Specialist
We have a full-time position open at because I said I would. The Fulfillment Specialist helps us manage inventory, shipments, ecommerce and event merchandising and coordinates our volunteers. The position is located in our Lakewood, Ohio headquarters.


Apply by sending your resume and an email about why you believe in the importance of a promise to [email protected].
Promise Wall for groups
The Promise Wall


Do you have a group that is making a promise to better humanity?
The Promise Wall is a 6ft. by 3ft. banner that serves as a place for groups to post their promise cards publicly. It can also be signed by members of a group to show their support for the betterment of humanity through promises made and kept.
For a limited time, The Promise Wall is 30% off. Offer ends on July, 8th, 2015. No coupon code required.