Ellen Peoples is 97 years old and lives alone in Portland, Maine…

Ellen Peoples is 97 years old and lives alone in Portland, Maine. Her late husband was a WW2 veteran. In memory of the man she committed her life to, Ellen has a tradition of flying an American flag on the 4th of July. There’s a 20-foot flagpole in her front yard, but a couple weeks ago the rope to her flagpole broke. At her age, Ellen was not able to make the repair for the upcoming holiday.

Maybe at some point some traditions have to die.


maybe the local Fire department couldn’t let that happen. They received a phone call from Ellen’s caretaker and made a quick stop at Ellen’s house. Sometimes helping others doesn’t require the best of our efforts, but rather just the best of our character. A voice inside that says “It’s small to me, but the world to her.”

Character Education in schools is one of the pillars of the work we do at because I said I would.  Learn more HERE.

Also, read the original article of this story HERE

Original Story: Matt Byrne, Portland Press Herald

Photo: PPH Staff Derek Davis