Donate Clothes

The Promise

I will donate clothes that do not fit me anymore to charity.

Impact of the Promise

Wasted clothing is a massive problem in America that often goes unnoticed. In fact, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, 11.3 million tons of textiles were sent to landfills in 2018. Despite this, there are many who still have issues obtaining clothing, which can be a major issue in colder regions. Think. How many articles of clothing do you have in your house that do not fit you anymore, that you bought and forgot about, or that you just never chose to wear?

Beyond helping others, there are other benefits for donating clothing as well. Because you are the one donating clothes, you have the option to choose where exactly your donation is going and what cause you are supporting. After all, there are many nations where lack of adequate clothing is a grave issue; a 2015 study in Ireland showed that one in eight children had no access to warm clothing. These issues are big and will not go away quickly but remember – an insignificant piece of cloth to you could mean the world to another.

Action Items


  • Donate to a reputable charity/organization
  • Encourage others to donate as well
  • Understand where exactly your donation will be going


  • Donate unusable clothing; recycle it instead
  • Feel limited by clothing; comforters, toys, etc. could help make a difference as well
  • Donate dirty clothing; wash it before


Element of Honor


Through my actions I seek to alleviate suffering, establish peace, and build happiness with others and in myself. I recognize that the world is in great need. Because of this need, I am needed. My belief in the importance of a promise is strong; however, I know that doing what is right will always be more important than keeping a promise. Commitment holds me accountable to my compassion; it does not blind me of it.s.

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