What is "because I said I would"?
This is an "about video" for because I said I would, the international social movement and nonprofit dedicated to the betterment of humanity through promises made and kept.
Some people think we are just a Facebook page. Some people think we just give out promise cards.
Everybody understands the importance of a promise, but not everyone understands what Because I said I would. actually does.
If you've ever wondered who we really are… if you've ever struggled to explain the movement to a friend… watch our new "about video." Thank you to our supporters from around the world who have helped us become what we are.
Visit http://becauseisaidiwould.com for information about our character education programs, local chapters, awareness campaigns and more.

Because I said I would | Alex Sheen | TEDxUtica
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

The Four Year Anniversary of because I said I would.
On September 4th, 2012, Wei-Min "Al" Sheen died of stage 4 small cell lung cancer. Today marks the four-year anniversary of his passing and the beginning of a movement to better humanity through promises made and kept. Alex Sheen, his son and Founder of Because I said I would.​, recorded a video today in reflection of an unfortunate event in his life. This video is not edited or polished and Alex didn't really feel like making it. If you have ever lost someone, you may understand the type of thoughts that come with an anniversary like this.
We encourage you to make four promises in honor of someone you know or love. Share pictures of them on our Facebook page or tag us on Twitter (@bcisaidiwould) or Instagram (@becauseisaidiwould) along with #becauseisaidiwould. If you don't have promise cards, don't worry. Just write them on paper. The more important thing is that the promise are kept.
If you need promise cards, visit http://becauseisaidiwould.com/requestcards. We have been giving them away for free since Alex's father's funeral and haven't stopped since. Thank you to all of our supporters who take their promises to better humanity seriously.

A eulogy to my father.
Alex Sheen founded because I said I would to honor his father's memory. This is the eulogy Alex read at his father's funeral. Because I said I would is a social movement and non-profit organization dedicated to bettering humanity through the power of a promise.
To learn more about because I said I would, please visit http://becauseisaidiwould.com/about. To receive 10 promise cards at no cost, visit http://becauseisaidiwould.com. Post your promises to our Facebook page at http://facebook.com/becauseisaidiwould, Tweet them @bcisaidiwould, or tag us on Instagram @becauseisaidiwould.

"Because I said I would" and the Promise Card
This video explains how "because I said I would" began and the purpose of a promise card. You can request 10 promise cards at no cost by visiting http://www.becauseisaidiwould.com/requestcards

Major Announcement: Because I said I would Chapters
"Today marks the three year anniversary of my father’s death and the beginning of a social movement called Because I said I would.​ On this somber day, I choose to share a message of hope. With the release of this video, we make most important announcement in the history of our nonprofit: We are starting #becauseisaidiwould​ chapters around the world. Watch this video and share with others! We need your help!
â–ş Donate today and DOUBLE your impact! There are a group of donors who have promised to match your donation dollar for dollar up to a total of $15,100. Support the cause: http://becauseisaidiwould.com/echo.

Because I said I would: Local Chapters
Because I said I would is an international social movement and nonprofit dedicated to the betterment of humanity through promises made and kept. Our Chapters seek to end suffering, establish peace and build happiness through local volunteer projects. As we help build a stronger community, our members also look to improve as individuals through our personal promises and thought-provoking learning opportunities.
We currently have chapters in the following cities:

The 6 Year Anniversary of because I said I would.
Where did the name because I said I would come from? In celebration of our 6th anniversary , our Founder Alex Sheen tells the emotional and raw story behind the name that helped start a movement.
We encourage you to make four promises in honor of someone you know or love. Share pictures of them on our Facebook page or tag us on Twitter (@bcisaidiwould) or Instagram (@becauseisaidiwould) along with #becauseisaidiwould. If you don't have promise cards, don't worry, visit http://becauseisaidiwould.com/request
We have been giving Promise Cards away for free since Alex's father's funeral and haven't stopped since. Thank you to all of our supporters who take their promises to better humanity seriously.

Camp because I said I would: Where Promises Begin
Donate or start a fundraising team today: https://fundraising.becauseisaidiwould.org/camp
We have entered an agreement to purchase a 92-acre summer camp. Help us support 12 to17-year-olds who have been affected by suicidal ideation, bereavement or abuse. Outside of summer, Camp because I said I would will be used for family bereavement retreats.
INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/becauseisaidiwould
FACEBOOK: https://facebook.com/becauseisaidiwould
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/bcisaidiwould