Audience Engagement Follow Up Packs

Your team will leave a because I said I would speech feeling motivated to be the change they want to see in the world. This is the best time to amplify the impact of the message through continuing education with additional because I said I would content. We have three Follow-Up Packs to choose from, at no additional cost. 

Pack 1: Motivation

Follow-up Pack 1: Motivation

Goal: Continue to inspire the audience. This package is about uplifting people emotionally.

The stories of others who have made life-changing promises can continue to inspire you to make your own.

Three Promise Story Videos

With over 12.8M Promise Cards distributed around the world, we have seen some incredible commitments. Check out these first-hand accounts of promises made and kept.

Promise Stories

The Podcast

Dramatic storytelling in a professionally produced podcast

Listen Now

Video from Alex

A special motivational video message from Alex Sheen, Founder of because I said I would.

Watch the Video

Pack 2: Habits & Tactics

Follow-up Pack 2: Habits & Tactics

Goal: Teach audience members how to get better at keeping promises.

Now that your team sees the importance of keeping promises, we’re ready to provide you with tactics to help them make better promises and habits to help keep them.

Three Leadership Videos

We hand-selected three Personal Development Videos from our collection to help you tackle concepts that can directly apply to your New Year’s Resolutions.

Watch the Videos

TEDxTalk on Why Promises Break Down

The Founder of because I said I would gave a TEDxTalk about why people break promises. Read the reasons people break promises, evaluate your own habits, and make adjustments today.

Read the highlights

Promise Planner

This PDF tool can help you spot fail points before they happen. It is a critical thinking checklist chock full of best practices.

Download Promise Planner

Pack 3: Community Impact

Follow-up Pack 3: Community Impact

Goal: Help people in need.

It’s easy to prevent broken promises if you don’t make any promises, but that’s missing the point. An important part of our mission is a commitment to charity. Here are some ways you can amplify the impact in your community.


Make a promise to volunteer at a local charity and wear a because I said I would shirt.

Volunteer Project Plans

Start a Facebook Fundraiser

Your Facebook Fundraiser will help support because I said I would’s COVID-19 prevention & response programs, including COVID-19 funeral costs and scholarships to our Unemployment Transition Program. 

Start a fundraiser

Write Encouraging Letters

Your attendees write little notes that are mailed to us and then shipped out in our Promise Card mailings.