The nature of time does not care if you keep your promises; it marches on without that consideration. To guard and protect the life of your promise, you will need contemplation on multiple levels. We have a tactic that can be helpful to your journey. We call it the POINT OF NO RETURN and it can be a fundamental change in how you look at time. See our 5-step process on how to spot problems before they happen.
Resiliency Training
A new program for our supporters in need.
Even with 13 million Promise Cards distributed, we still know that it takes more than a piece of paper to keep a promise. That’s why we’ve created a Resiliency Training program to help people face life’s adversities with practical habits and tactics. This program is specifically for people who have made promises that have significant life-altering or life-saving consequences for the individual or their family. This certificate-granting, online program is led by five-time TEDxTalk speaker Alex Sheen. It includes six skill-building workshops, six accountability support meetings and one capstone project. Our next cohort starts on August 23rd at 7pm EST. To learn more and register, visit Use the code PROMISE when checking out and the $500 program fee will be waived; however, applications must be approved before participants are admitted. We apologize in advance if everyone who applies isn’t able to join.
Train to overcome adversities in your life:
One Climbs to Lift Another
Juan was a barber and a father to three children.
The pandemic was not an easy time for any of us. It was especially hard on Angelica from Ontario, CA. She lost her husband Juan, who passed away from COVID in December 2020. Juan was a barber and a father to three children. He had a smile that was so big it brightened up the room. Angelica and Juan had a special relationship. They met when Angelica was practicing as a cosmetologist and make-up artist. They would spend hours just talking about hair! They had dreamed of having a large family and Juan always wanted a baby girl. They finally had one in February 2020. Since Juan’s passing in December, the family has struggled without their father and husband. They miss his big smile and his warm hugs. As part of our Unemployment Transition Program, Kristie from Colorado Springs was matched with Angelica to work on her capstone project. Kristie decided to help the family financially and launched a fundraiser. To encourage donations, she challenged herself to improve on her personal best time scaling the Manitou incline. The incline consists of 2,744 steps and an elevation climb of 2,000 feet in a city that is already at 6,035 feet above sea level. Kristie set out to shave a full four minutes off her best time and pledged to match the donations to the family. She really stepped up, completing the climb nine minutes quicker than ever before; a great accomplishment for a great cause! Kristie raised over $1,100 for Angelica and her family. To read more capstone projects, click below.
Our Promises to Help Families »
High School Chapters Facebook Fundraiser
Students Facing Life’s Adversities
High schools may be off for the summer, but we are tirelessly working to start as many because I said I would chapters throughout the country as funding will allow. Our goal with these chapters is to build social-emotional resiliency in students, improve personal responsibility and nurture a culture that leads to good citizenship. The program is based on a full-year curriculum that includes setting personal goals with peer-based accountability, character development workshops and service learning projects. Our Summer Facebook Fundraiser will help fund new chapter locations. Please donate today to help support our kids. We have set a goal to raise $15,000 by July 26th. Every contribution gets us closer to that goal.