Family Isolation Activities

With kids at home, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to teach your kids character values that they may not learn at school. Because I said I would is a thought leader in character development with over 179,000 students having attended our programming in the last seven years. Character development is critical right now because self-control helps get you through isolation. Accountability convinces you to wash your hands. And sacrifice is something we all need to do in order to get through this together.

Character Development Videos with Family Discussions

The goal of the Character Education program is to extend the impact of the because I said I would message by teaching character education through the 7 Elements of Honor. We want students and teachers alike to understand the impact on society of promises made, kept, and broken. In order to do this we not only need to focus on youth, but also influence teachers and adults in the community to become models for students in character education.

Classroom Style Lesson Plans

Because I said I would Lesson Plans are interdisciplinary learning tools designed for students that can be utilized by educators and counselors. But they are also great for families stuck at home.

7 Elements of Honor

The following seven principles guide the because I said I would movement. As a social movement and nonprofit about the importance of a promise, it’s important that we state our values and make a sincere attempt to live by them. In this time of global crisis, it has never been more important to live by a code.

Promise Card Template

Promise Cards help hold you accountable to your commitments. They have been used in many different ways in over 150 countries. But it all started when Alex Sheen created the Promise Card to honor his dad. Cancer took his father’s life in 2012, but Alex chose to focus on how his dad lived, not how he died. Alex’s dad kept his promises.

Book Club Guide

Starting your own because I said I would book club is a great way to share your love of books and encourage meaningful discussions and ideas. This can be a great reason to hop on a group chat. Download the guide below to help you get started!

Promise Planner

Because I said I would has developed a Promise Planner™ template that you can use to help you contemplate your promises. Perhaps fittingly, it’s sort of a checklist in itself. It challenges you to think of possible barriers to success and provides some best practices that your promises might need. Our hope is that the Promise Planner is reasonably simple and self-explanatory. Fill it out using one of your promises, and its functionality and benefits should become much clearer than just the blank form.

Parent/Mentor Kit

This kit contains promise resources, tools and tips designed to walk the reader through the process of modeling and teaching children about promises and their impact.

Healthy Promises Kit

Our Healthy Promises kit is designed to help achieve your health and wellness goals. And, of course, to fine tune your promise skills along the way. We hope that your results not only improve health and wellness, but improve capacity for promise making and keeping.

Promise Quotes

Boost the morale in your family. Share one inspirational quote from our quote library each day in isolation.

Hotlines & Expert Help

Domestic violence. Suicidal thoughts. Substance abuse. Some promises need expert guidance. This is a directory of nonprofits that specialize in specific issues and challenges.