Our goal is to make the process of finalizing contracts as easy and seamless as possible.
To help limit the back and forth and keep everyone on the same page we wanted to share best practices for including the BISIW Rider/Addendum language in your contracts with clients. We have two options to limit the amount of work and save time.
Option 1: Insert language throughout contract
The first option is to replace or insert the BISIW standard addendum language throughout the bureau/client contract. This can be time consuming and makes the review process a little more difficult.
Option 2: Add addendum at the end of the contract
The second option is to include the BISIW Addendum at the bottom of the contract. For this option is all we will have to do is include a separate line item at the bottom of the agreement that specifies the agreement works in conjunction with an addendum. We have found this to be the cleanest and easiest way to satisfy all parties. Once we have an additional line item; is all you have to do is copy and paste the BISIW Addendum at the bottom. It makes the review process simple and seamless.
This ADDENDUM is attached to and forms part of the Agreement between BISIW and HOST as of _____(date). To the extent that any of the terms or conditions contained in this ADDENDUM may contradict or conflict with any of the terms or conditions of the attached Agreement, it is expressly understood and agreed that the terms of this ADDENDUM shall take precedence and supersede the attached Agreement.
Recommended: Download the Addendum (.docx)