Promise Kept After 8 Years

I know you are probably still hanging around your house because of that COVID scare, so I figured it might be a good time to write. I alluded to my success in a Facebook post a few weeks back, but it’s official now.

I wrote my card on 12/7/2013 after seeing the drunk driver video and your first TedTalk (I think). At the time I had been unemployed for almost a year and had tried everything to get a job. Seeing a year in of unemployment, and my friend had gone back to school at around 42…I was 49 years old, unemployed, and decided to print out, and fill out one of your cards.

I wanted it to be something special. My whole life I felt like I missed out, was “lesser” because I never went to college and I wanted to rectify that. I filled out the card and started an eight-year process. I went spring, summer, and fall for the entire time. Never more than three classes at once, but I kept moving. The card has been right in front of me, the whole time.

On December 5, 2021, I finished my last class. I am graduating Summa Cum Laude with a 4.0. I was a D+ High School Student. I never, ever thought I would have a degree, let alone graduate with honors. I have had you speak at my company event back in 2016, I have volunteered a couple of times to help you and another speaker, and I can’t thank you enough. That card kept me going and will be framed right alongside my diploma. Everyone that knows me, knows about the card and my promise.

Thanks again,

– Chris