“I think it’s finally time…”
Why Isabella carries her father’s Promise Card everywhere…
“Your Promise Cards helped my dad throughout his cancer treatment and until his last day. I remember him telling me about them, I also remember how he carried his in the back of his clear phone case in order to see it every day. He had a promise to call his parents and his siblings more often, and he had a blank one, which I now carry everywhere I go.”
“I’ve been trying to live by this idea of promises, that I can keep to myself and to others. The promise to do my best every day, to find the things I’m grateful about, etc. But, going through these difficult times, I struggle to stay true to this idea, because I find it difficult to keep even the simplest of promises to myself. I even tattooed the phrase “because I said I would” just after my dad passed so I could be true to his reminder to keep my promises. I haven’t necessarily been successful yet.”
“It’s been two years since my dad died and I think it’s finally time for me to live the life he would’ve hoped I had. It’s time for me to fill this empty card I have been carrying around and change the way I go about living my life. I want to feel like I can be truly happy again and also share this happiness with others. I want to make my dad and myself proud.”
“Thank you to you and your organization for helping me in more ways than you could imagine. Without this simple message, I wouldn’t have realized that my life needed to change.”
– Isabella