“I’m not trying to be perfect. I’m not trying to be the biggest. I’m not trying to be the strongest. I’m not trying to be the best. But merely the best version of myself. Mentally and physically. The strongest that I can be. I’m not trying to find my self anymore. But now.. I’m creating my self. I know my goals. I know my dreams and I know my wishes. But what I do not know.. are limitations.. Fear of failure.. Quitting.. Negativity.. These things I rid my self of daily in order to achieve what I’m creating. Letting them have no affect on me so that I can clearly achieve my goals. Most will doubt. Others won’t believe. Some will sit back and do nothing.. But I.. I will achieve my goals. Just you watch and see. Because the only person who can stop me.. Is Me. And why would I ever be foolish enough to let that happen.”
Posted by Paulo.