Do you have experience or expertise in mental health, character education, corrections or career placement? Because I said I would is seeking professional volunteers with a background in these areas, to be a part of four Advisory Councils. These councils will help provide support and feedback for our charitable programs and outcomes. Learn more about each council and apply to be a part of one of our Advisory Councils below.
Mental Health Council
The purpose of the Mental Health Advisory Council is to help because I said I would design and improve mental health outcomes through its charitable programs and the populations it serves. Learn More.
Corrections Council
The purpose of the Correction Advisory Council is to help because I said I would design and improve correction outcomes through its charitable programs and the populations it serves. Learn More.
Career Placement Council
The purpose of the Career Placement Advisory Council is to help because I said I would design and improve career placement methods through its charitable programs and the populations it serves. Learn More.
Character Education Council
The purpose of the Character Education Advisory Council is to help because I said I would design and improve character education teachings through its charitable programs and the populations it serves. Learn More.