Gina DeJesus and her puppy :)

Two days after they were set free, I promised Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight that I would give them 10 days of my life in honor of their 10 years of perseverance. To fulfill my promise, I walked over 240 miles across the entire state of Ohio in 10 days, working to raise awareness for the victims of sexual violence. I met Gina’s mom at the end of the walk; 2207 Seymour Ave, where the girls were held captive for over a decade.

Hugging Gina DeJesus' mom after walking across Ohio

I gave some t-shirts to Gina’s mom  She promised that she would give them to Gina. I was sent this picture just two days after Ariel Castro was sentenced to life in prison, plus 1,000 years.

Gina DeJesus, kidnapping survivor

Gina, I hope you are doing well and I am glad to see that the shirt fits. I am even more thrilled to see that Ariel Castro will spend the rest of his life in prison. As you begin to build your new life, I hope you reach all of the new and exciting goals you set out to achieve. If any challenge becomes too great to face alone, please know that you have a friend down the street.

Promise cards that I wrote before the walk.

What are you committed to accomplishing? I will send 10 promise cards to you anywhere in the world at no cost. You can still donate to help the victims of sexual violence by visiting Half of the money goes to the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization and the other half goes directly to Gina, Amanda and Michelle. None of the money will come to because I said I would.

Clevelanders join last 10,000 feet to the house on Seymour Ave.

“You can pretend to care, but you can’t pretend to show up.”