Control Your Destiny with 4 Types of Self Control

About this video

See how self-control has consequences that can determine the paths of lives around you. And learn habits & tactics to improve your own self-control.

4 Types of self-control

  1. Physical movement
  2. Emotion
  3. Concentration
  4. Impulses

Watch the video and then use these questions to get a deeper understanding of the topic.

  1. From the video, can you list an example for each of the types of self-control? Which one of the types is your strength? Which one could you work on?
  2. Try this mindfulness exercise to help you practice self-control and improve your capacity for self-awareness.
    1. Brief body scan
      Start off by taking a single, deep breath in through the nose and out through the mouth. You are welcome to gently close your eyes, or keep them open. Notice your body where it is: the positioning of your body, and also how your body is feeling. If you’re feeling any tension anywhere, see if you can allow that to soften, or adjust your body as needed.
    2. Tune in to your environment
      Begin to allow your awareness to wander a little bit. Notice the sounds inside your environment or outside your environment. Be aware of how sounds have a nature of disappearing and reappearing, and also how your mind comes up with different comments or images on these sounds, or on your experience. Allow for all of this.
    3. Notice thoughts and emotions
      Now begin to gently open your eyes, noticing how there’s also visuals in your environment. Notice how you feel. Take stock of how you’re feeling physically, mentally, and emotionally.

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Did you know?

This video is used in our character development programs in schools, juvenile detention centers and prisons. Practical habits and tactics that support character traits can increase graduation rates, decreasing teen suicide and even reduce violent crime. To learn more about the impact of our programs, click here.


The following resources were used in the making the of this video.

  • Baumeister, Roy F. (1954). “15: The Self”. In Gilbert, Daniel T.; Fiske, Susan T.; Lindzey, Gardner (eds.). The Handbook of Social Psychology. 1 (4 ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill (published 1998).
    pp. 680–740.
  • DeWall, Nathan(2014)…
  • McGonigal, Kelly (2012). Maximum Willpower: How to master the new science of self-control.
    Macmillan. p. 288.