Eugene Lim is in the sixth grade. He’s young, but trust us… he understands commitment. Once a week, Eugene’s family drives him to the Northern Illinois Food Bank where he volunteers to repackage donations for food pantries. Eugene’s Dad said that a nonprofit came to Eugene’s school to talk about the importance of a promise. “As a result, he has followed through with his commitment to make a difference in his community by volunteering.”
The food bank has a “Youth Volunteer of the Year” award. Guess who won? 🙂
Because I said I would. is extraordinarily proud of Eugene Lim and the promise he has kept to help others. The world needs more young men and women like this. By starting because I said I would chapters around the world, we hope to inspire the next generation to better humanity through promises made and kept. Learn more about The Echo Program here.
Read the full article about Eugene in the local newspaper here!