3 Calendaring Tips

1. Don’t forget the hidden calendar moments! 

Most people just calendar meetings with other people. The hidden calendar is all the things you have to do to prepare for those meetings. If you don’t calendar that preparation, you’re more likely to break a promise. For example, if you are going to take your mother to her 9am physical therapy appointment, you may not want to only calendar the appointment itself. You also should consider calendaring the hidden moments around the appointment. 

2. Treat time like money  


Do you schedule these items in your calendar?

  • eating
  • driving
  • preparation for meetings
  • time for stress relief
  • sleeping
  • free time 

If you don’t, you’re not alone. Neither do most people. We know what your thinking: “Who puts their sleep in their calendar?” It may seem like overkill but the fact of the matter is if you don’t schedule time on your calendar for everything, you don’t really know what is required to effectively plan your day. Also, by scheduling your time for activities that benefit you, it will ensure that you invest in yourself and your wellbeing.  

You’re time is valuable! When scheduling your day try and treat your time like money. 

  • Value it 
  • Save as much possible
  • Spend it wisely   

3. Invite others even if they are not there 


When you make commitments it usually involves other people. When scheduling something, consider letting them know that you’ve allotted time in your calendar for those tasks. It doesn’t require them to be there, it’s just a reminder to yourself and others about the status of the task. 

Example: You and Jill run a food drive. You promise Jill that after the event you’ll drop the items off to the food bank. 

Next step? Send an email or calendar invite to Jill letting her know that you have time scheduled to complete the task.

The benefit of doing this? Jill knows that you’ve scheduled an exact time to fulfill your commitment. Now, she can follow up with you and help hold you accountable.