“On August 14th, 1998 my parents brought me to America from Vietnam with nothing but the clothes on their back and the very little English they learned. They came to America for the american dream. Not for them, but for me. They brought me here to escape the poverty in Vietnam and to surround me with the opportunities in America. As a first generation immigrant it puts a lot of pressure on me to succeed so their sacrifices don’t go to waste. They always tell me that all they want me from me is to go to college and succeed. I always wanted to give back to them something more than that but how could I give them something when they already gave me everything. My mom usually Skypes with my family from Vietnam and they talk about how things are there and here. In every conversation they would ask my mom when she’s returning home and she would reply with “Next year”. I have heard my mom reply with “next year” for the past 10 years and it hurts to know that next year is never going to come with our financial status. That is why I promised myself that when I get a job one day I will save up all my money and pay for my parent’s vacation to Vietnam one day because I said I would.”
Posted by Vu on our Facebook page.