Welcome UICCU Employees!

$1,100 of $10,000 raised

Double your impact today!

Thank you for joining us for the Rally Day yesterday. As part of the University of Iowa Community Credit Union’s community focus, UICCU is MATCHING every dollar given to because I said I would, up to $10,000. 
Please help us hit our goal by 5pm on Wednesday, February 20 with a gift to because I said I would. 
Because I said I would is a social movement and nonprofit dedicated to the betterment of humanity through promises made and kept. We are changing lives through Promise Cards, chapters of volunteers, character education in schools, and awareness campaigns with global reach. Because I said I would has reached over 155,000 youth with their message of hope and resilience and implemented measurable character education programs with over 10 community partners last year. 

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Plus an additional to cover gateway fees.

Donation Total: $50.00 One Time