Inspiration, Motivation and Guidance to Make and Keep Promises
“8th grade peer leaders and I led an activity about promises with . . . (200) 6th graders today, inspiring them to make and keep a promise this school year. I think my favorite promise was, ‘I promise not to stereotype.’”
Beth Urbanski, Branchburg Township Teacher
Learning Language, Math, and Science is incredibly important. But, if we are not educating the next generation to be decent human beings to one another, then what’s the point of it all?
Lesson plans and downloadable resources from our website provide tools and content for character development and social-emotional learning using promises as a foundation. Outcomes include increased personal accountability, improved self-control, understanding contemplation and practicing compassion.
Recent studies from the Organization for Economic Co-operation & Development Organisation for Economic (OECD) show that a lack of character education regularly correlates with unfavorable outcomes such as unemployment, divorce, poor health, criminal behavior and imprisonment.
The need for the skills developed through character education are at an all-time high. Educators, counselors, parents and individuals are able to access high quality, easy to use materials to facilitate learning of these important skills through our program.
To create lesson plans and resources, our staff members research credible sources, including studies and experts, and collaborate with educators and other professionals to gather relevant, evidence-based information.
“We’re excited to put your plans into motion in the fall, as we are always looking for a central idea upon which to anchor our PBS initiative for the school year. We believe your unit will give us an excellent starting point and something with which to build throughout the school year!”
-Roger French, Waterford High School
Character development and social emotional learning skills have shown overall positive results in school communities, including better academic performance, improved attitudes, behaviors and relationships with peers, as well as deeper connections to school, fewer delinquent acts and reduced emotional distress.
“Beyond the classroom, subjective well-being can be defined as having a positive mental state; when reviewing the impact of social emotional skills on adolescents, and adults the results indicate more ties between social emotional skills and life satisfaction than between cognitive skills and life satisfaction by nearly 10 percent.” (OECD, 2018)
Donations will be used for further research and development of social emotional learning lesson plans and resources. These are made free and available to the public. $50 can help provide a classroom teacher with a social emotional learning curriculum.
because I said I would is a social movement and nonprofit dedicated to the betterment of humanity through promises made and kept. We are changing lives through Promise Cards, chapters of volunteers, character education in schools and prisons, and awareness campaigns with global reach.